Oxford’s commitment to ESG

Oxford has a proud history of industry leadership in sustainability and environmental, social and governance (ESG). Around the world, our team is committed to strengthening economies and communities. We integrate ESG initiatives and activities across teams and the asset life cycle -- creating value in our projects, portfolio and business and building an organization that our team members are proud of. Being a leader in sustainability helps drive long-term value and return. It plays a critical part in how we cultivate connections, ensuring our positive impact extends beyond the four walls of our properties. Our teams set clear and transparent objectives to hold ourselves accountable. We strive to continually do better while learning from and inspiring others to do the same. Our focus on both the big and the small initiatives come together to make a difference, for today and tomorrow.

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Oxford’s sustainability program is focused on the following goals:

Our top achievements

  1. Reduced our carbon intensity by 17% from our 2019 baseline
  2. Developed our Carbon Emissions Forecast Model to help property teams model pathways to net zero that are aligned to CRREM’s 1.5ºC warming scenario and unique to the specific asset, sector and region, for all Asset Managed assets
  3. Developed our Asset Decarbonization Toolkit to enable teams to undertake a detailed building audit to inform the development of a bespoke decarbonization plan at the asset level aligning with company and portfolio commitments
  4. Over 55% of our asset managed portfolio by GFA either have a decarbonization plan in development or have already completed one
  5. Conducted a location-based, desktop physical climate risk screen of our portfolio to assess climate hazards and priority risks across various time horizons and warming scenarios
  6. Launched our Conscious Inclusion program to provide a variety of learning solutions aimed at upskilling individuals and teams to build a diverse and inclusive workforce
  7. Established the Oxford Global ESG Working Group and regional Oxford ESG Working Groups (EWG) to foster a consistent approach to integrating ESG across Oxford and enable knowledge sharing across the organization
  8. Delivered ~25 hours of ESG best practice forums with over 1,900 attendees1
  9. Onboarded 100% of Asset Managed2 assets onto our environmental data management platform and trained our teams on its use, increasing our data coverage from 90% to 96% in the first year
  10. Published our UK Modern Slavery Statement3 to outline how we prevent and assess forced labour and child labour in our operations and supply chain

Creating a sustainable future requires ongoing focus and commitment. As an organization we have a lot to be proud of but also a long way to go. We will continue to advance ESG at Oxford and to share our progress with you with the same clarity and transparency that our program was founded on.